METALNOX M6318 is a spray cleaning and ultrasonic system alkaline solution designed to efficiently clean magnesium, aluminum, titanium and other materials commonly used in the military and aerospace industries. As an effective final cleaner, M6318 is suitable for the removal of oil, grease, emulsions and lubricants used in aerospace industries. METALNOX M6318 was tested and conforms to many AMS and ASTM specifications including ASTM F-1110 (Sandwich Corrosion).

METALNOX M6318 rinses freely for a spot-free finish while maintaining a long bath life and providing clean parts. M6318 can also be used for the pre-cleaning of metals prior to powder coating or plating when used in a combined cleaning coating system to prepare the surface for a long-term seal coat application.

Product Data
Typical Process
Process: Spray or Immersion
Concentration: 5-25%
Temperature: Ambient to 150°F / 65°C
Rinse: Optional
Dry: Air
Product Properties
pH (10g/L): 10.8
Flash Point: None to Boiling
Boiling Point: >208°F/ >98°C
Water Soluble: Complete
VOC, @ 10% 0.6 g/L

NOTE: The above process parameters are recommendations based on extensive testing done in KYZEN’s application lab. Your KYZEN sales representative can assist you in optimizing your process parameters.

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