KYZEN CP90N is an amine-free concentrated aqueous solution designed to be an effective corrosion inhibitor and cleaner additive. CP90N contains a blend of organic and inorganic inhibitors in a water-based solution that is effective on a variety of metals. KYZEN CP90N can be used in spray-in-air, immersion agitation or ultrasonic systems, as well as manual applications for short or long-term protection indoors.

KYZEN CP90N can be diluted further with water as desired to provide the desired degree of protection. CP90N is compatible with all materials of construction used in industrial parts cleaning systems and processes. CP90N is a non-flammable, non-corrosive solution that contains no CFCs or HAPs.

Product Data
Application: Corrosion Protection
Typical Process

• Sump-side add to aqueous batch cleaners.
• Usage range from 1 to 6% depending on your process needs.
• Process Optimization will be necessary. Please contact your KYZEN representative for assistance.

Product Properties
pH (10g/L): 11.1
Flash Point: None to Boiling
Boiling Point: 210°F / 99°C
Water Soluble: Complete
VOC, @ 10% <1 g/L

NOTE: The above process parameters are recommendations based on extensive testing done in KYZEN’s application lab. Your KYZEN sales representative can assist you in optimizing your process parameters.

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