METALNOX M6324R is a high alkaline aqueous cleaning chemistry that has proven effective in both spray and immersion cleaning processes to clean steel parts. M6324R effectively removes water-insoluble oils, heavy greases, deep draw stamping compounds, and other difficult soils, including oxides and burned on carbon.  METALNOX M6324R is extensively used in high-speed stamping or reel-to-reel operations where wash exposure time is short.

METALNOX M6324R is a low foaming, non-emulsifying chemical blend. M6324R chemistry is an oil splitting formula that allows for a longer bath life and a lower steady-state bath soil load, thus providing cleaner parts in a cost-effective cleaning operation. Rinse with KYZEN CP90S to provide extended rust protection. Not recommended to clean aluminum, brass or copper substrates.

Product Data
Typical Process
Process: Spray & Immersion Systems
Concentration: Spray– 3-7% Immersion– 7-12%
Temperature: 100-180°F/38-82°C
Rinse: Optional
Dry: Air
Product Properties
pH (10g/L): >12.5
Flash Point: None to Boiling
Boiling Point: >220°F/104°C
Water Soluble: Complete
VOC, @ 10% 0.0 g/L

NOTE: The above process parameters are recommendations based on extensive testing done in KYZEN’s application lab. Your KYZEN sales representative can assist you in optimizing your process parameters.

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