METALNOX M6324US is a high-strength, high alkaline aqueous cleaning chemistry designed for use in ultrasonic and other immersion cleaning systems. M6324US effectively removes abrasive soils such as buffing and lapping compounds. METALNOX M6324US also removes water-insoluble oils, heavy grease, deep draw stamping compounds and other difficult soils, including burned on carbon.

METALNOX M6324US is a heavy-duty cleaner often used in exceptionally difficult and demanding parts cleaning applications, such as when removing resin-based coatings and adhesives. M6324US is an oil-splitting technology allowing the oil to be released from solution and removed using a skimmer and/or coalescer providing a longer bath life and a lower bath soil load, resulting in cleaner parts in a less costly cleaning operation.
METALNOX M6324US is often used in combination with KYZEN CP90S, a water-based corrosion inhibitor, to provide long-term protection for steel.

Product Data
Typical Process
Process: Immersion Systems
Concentration: 7-12%
Temperature: Ambient to 180°F/82°C
Rinse: Optional
Dry: Air
Product Properties
pH (10g/L): 11.9
Flash Point: None to Boiling
Boiling Point: >220°F/104°C
Water Soluble: Complete
VOC, @ 10% 0 g/L

NOTE: The above process parameters are recommendations based on extensive testing done in KYZEN’s application lab. Your KYZEN sales representative can assist you in optimizing your process parameters.

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