METALNOX M6920 is a highly effective VOC free cleaning solution intended for use in vapor degreasing equipment, cold cleaning, and manual cleaning and is a suitable replacement for AK225. M6920 has proven compatible with a variety of metal parts, such as stainless steel, copper, iron, aluminum, and titanium. METALNOX M6920 also works well with alloys used in precision cleaning industries such as aerospace, automotive, medical, electronics, and defense. M6920 has been tested and conforms to ASTM F 945-12 and meets MIL-PRF-32295A performance specifications!

METALNOX M6920 is a green solvent with desirable environmental properties, specifically negligible ozone depletion, ultra­low MIR and a Global Warming Potential of 1. M6920 can be used alone or in combination with co-solvent or KYZEN’s DuoSolvent cleaning processes. METALNOX M6920 is low odor, recyclable, and offers zero personnel exposure while filling and removing from the cleaning machine.

Product Data
Typical Process
Process: Vapor Degreasing, Agitation, Ultrasonic and Soak
Concentration: No additives needed
Temperature: 66°F/19°C
Rinse: Not required
Dry: Not Applicable
Product Properties
pH (10g/L): N/A (Solvent-Based)
Flash Point: None
Boiling Point: 66°F/19°C
Water Soluble: Not Soluble
VOC, @ 100% VOC Free

NOTE: The above process parameters are recommendations based on extensive testing done in KYZEN’s application lab. Your KYZEN sales representative can assist you in optimizing your process parameters.

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