The Science Lab

Are You Prepared for the Possible Ban on These Vapor Degreasing Solvents?
In 2018, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published documents of their findings which identified 10 chemicals to undergo risk evaluation. Out of those 10 chemicals, 4 were commonly used vapor degreasing solvents: Trichloroethylene (TCE), Perchloroethylene (PERC), 1 Bromopropane (nPB), and Methylene Chloride (MC).
In 2020, the EPA published a Chemical Risk Evaluation for each of these solvents that evaluated risks and stated that the use of these solvents could pose unreasonable risks to human health.
Although the organization has not published any official updated information for 2022, it has been reported that the EPA TSCA committee is considering extremely low exposure limits for certain solvents: n-propyl bromide (nPB, 1-bromopropane) 0.05 ppm, perchloroethylene (PCE, Perc) 0.2 ppm, trichloroethylene (TCE) 0.001 ppm, methylene chloride (MC, dichloromethane)1 ppm (potential ban on vapor degreasing). This information being discussed this year is unofficial and has yet to be confirmed.
Until the time comes, there are some important factors to consider regarding the use of these particular solvents. Minnesota and New York have already placed bans on TCE, while Federal and State regulators are enacting new environmental compliance laws. Check your degreasing operations to verify any solvents being used for vapor degreasing under the product name, SDS, or CAS number are not on this list.
How to Get Prepared
While all of this information may seem daunting, there are certain steps that can be taken to get ahead of these changes.
- Switch to a new environmentally preferred solvent
- Convert to an aqueous process
- Convert to a vacuum degreasing process
As the leader in environmentally friendly chemistries, KYZEN offers alternatives needed to help you through this expected change in regulations. For additional information on alternative options to replace nPB, view here. For alternatives to replace TCE, view here. Also, please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. KYZEN is happy to help!

The Benefits of Vacuum Degreasing
With the many benefits that come with vacuum degreasing, it’s no surprise that its popularity is growing in the metal finishing industry and trusted in major industries such as Aerospace, Medical, and Automotive worldwide.
Vacuum degreasing offers excellent cleaning for polar and non-polar soils, an ultra-low VOC emission process, rust prevention and protection, and much more. This is a fascinating process that incorporates a highly engineered system with a single solvent cleaner to provide a reliable precision cleaning process with many sought-after benefits. It is also a waterless process, meaning no water rinse stages are required nor treatment/disposal of water.
These systems are designed to process all types of metals in the same machine. For example, you could have a process set up for aluminum that doesn’t need a CP and then another process for steel parts that requires a CP. This could be very beneficial if both processes are needed. All parts could be processed in the same machine
KYZEN offers solvents and other products for vacuum degreasers. METALNOX M6386, a solvent that effectively removes non-polar and polar contaminants, is a modified alcohol solvent blend designed for use in parts cleaning automated vacuum degreasing machines. It is highly effective on paraffinic and water-based oils, cutting fluids and milling fluids commonly used to forge and cast metal hardware, fasteners, and components.
METALNOX M6381, solvent for removal of non-polar contaminants, is a hydrocarbon solvent cleaner formulated for use in parts cleaning automated vacuum degreasing machines and is commonly used to clean parts supplied to the automotive, aerospace, and other high-tech industries.
Vacuum degreasers work with various applications and contaminants such as cutting oils, coolants, and laser dust/fines. KYZEN offers auxiliary products that are beneficial to this process such as KYZEN CP86, KYZEN Booster 81, KYZEN Booster 86, and KYZEN CP81.
For more information on vacuum degreasing and additional services offered by KYZEN to benefit your process, view this informational brochure as well as a Tech 2 Tech presentation given by KYZEN’s own, Chelsea Jewell.
Meet Your Clean Team
Fernando Rueda – Americas Manager
A familiar face around the tradeshow scene and in the world of cleaning technologies, Fernando Rueda, Americas Manager at KYZEN, is a vital member of the team. Originally from Barcelona, Spain, his career began in the Spanish Army with a focus in Telecommunications. He also obtained a 2-year college degree in Computer Science. He has been a KYZEN employee for 17 years, this March. Fernando has been married to his wonderful wife, Lisa, for 33 years and together they have 3 children. Their oldest son, Daniel graduated from Penn State University, and is now an aerospace engineer for Lockheed Martin. Michael, the middle child, graduated from the University of Virginia and currently works in business/marketing for Oracle Netsuite. Last but certainly not least, their youngest son Christian, currently attends Arizona State University and will be graduating next year with a dual degree in Biology and GIS Systems.
When Fernando is not working hard for KYZEN, he enjoys playing, watching, and also coaching soccer. He is a licensed coach, referee, and also played for 45 years. Fernando also enjoys venturing out with friends and his wife for IPAs and wine. Together they love to try different wineries and breweries in their local area and when they travel. A few fun facts about Fernando; while in bootcamp at the Army Military Academy, the Spanish Government declared him AWOL and sent the police looking to his parent’s house, he practiced Taekwondo for 12 years, and he volunteers with Project Beloved, a foundation to help support victims of sexual assault and to educate the public about the issue.
A true expert in his field, Fernando is very important member of the KYZEN team. Please reach out to him with any questions or concerns regarding your cleaning process and goals.
Joe McChesney – Global Product Line Manager – Solvents
A true cleaning expert, Joe McChesney has been a vital industry leader with a career extending 45 years. He has been a KYZEN employee for 7 years this March but has been associated with KYZEN for over 30 years since the company was first founded due to his cleaning equipment background. Originally from Bowling Green, Kentucky, Joe’s first steps into the industry began at Western Kentucky University where he obtained a degree in Engineering Technology. Joe comes from a large family of 6 siblings, 4 sisters and 2 brothers. His father passed when he was 6 but he was able to spend a lot of time with his 8 uncles and cousins, which he very much enjoyed. In his free time, he enjoys participating in gun sports such as hunting and shooting. Fun fact, several years ago, he owned a gun club, shot professionally for Remington Arms, and was elected to the Kentucky Trapshooting Hall of Fame for Lifetime Achievement. Joe also enjoys spending time in the woods with my grandsons.
Throughout his long career in the cleaning industry, he has achieved many things. For example, he holds several patents for cleaning solutions and recovery processes. He enjoys meeting new people and seeing the diversity of the products made at their factories. Joe also focuses on the educational aspect of training younger personnel as well as customers on the knowledge-based skills he has accumulated throughout his career. Transferring knowledge based on experience and expertise is a means to give back to this industry, according to Joe. Which is something that he has enjoyed for many years. If you have any questions for Joe, do not hesitate to reach out. He will be more than happy to help!
Tech 2 Tech Is Back and On Demand
It’s no secret that 2020 was a rough period of time for us all as the pandemic was at its worst, thus creating issues for everyone around the world causing us all to find ways to adapt our everyday interactions. The word ‘normal’ was typically used in quotations as we weren’t sure what that meant anymore. Businesses that normally welcomed friendly faces had to find alternative ways to function safely. Some had to close their doors and explore alternative paths to stay relevant to their customers, a path that guaranteed both safety and accessibility: they went virtual.
Going virtual was adopted and used as a primary communication tool around the world and KYZEN was no exception. Our challenge was to find a way to reach and interact with our customers that fit into their now “new normal” schedule. In the summer of 2020, our Tech 2 Tech program was created specifically for that purpose. The program connected our experts to our audience in a way that hadn’t been done before by offering live sessions that answered common cleaning questions in both the electronics and metal finishing industry.
For over a year the program thrived, however, we saw another wave of change occur when businesses gradually began opening back up and virtual was not the standard as much anymore. This meant we had to adapt to change once again which is what lead us to introduce Tech 2 Tech On Demand in 2022.
So, what is Tech 2 Tech On Demand?
The updated program essentially went from having live sessions with our experts to pre-recorded sessions that are delivered straight to your inbox. Rather than registering for a session each week and waiting for it to begin at the scheduled time, now you can subscribe to the program one time and Tech 2 Tech Session links will be emailed every Thursday with exclusive access for two weeks. This means you can watch the informative videos on your time completely at your convenience. And they are still only 15 minutes long!
The program also comes with fresh, new topics and updated graphics presented by the same experts who know cleaning like the back of their hand. The content they discuss will be exclusive to subscribers as it won’t be made available to the public for two weeks meaning you get it first before anyone else.
If you’d like to learn more about the program and subscribe, simply visit here.

Why You Should Take Advantage of Our Contract Cleaning Today
KYZEN offers various expert services for a variety of challenges and processes. One specific service that could be very beneficial to implement is Contract Cleaning. There may be times when you have an unexpected increase in production, a deadline that you can’t meet, or a customer may ask you to clean a product that you simply don’t have the equipment or bandwidth to accomplish. The Contract Cleaning service that KYZEN offers could be just the right answer for your short-term cleaning requirements. To see how this service has helped in the past, view this case study here.
When to call us for help:
- Cleaning system is down
- Developing or installing a new product line
- Short deadline and low bandwidth
- Incomplete cleaning
- Corrosion issues on metal parts
- No-clean parts need flux removal
- Wrong solder paste applied
- Product recovery
- Experiencing customer rejects with your current cleaning process
Not only do we have convenient locations around the world, but our cleaning and applications labs have an extensive array of equipment where we can respond quickly to your cleaning requirements. The service includes chemistry, labor, and waste disposal while having the assistance of our seasoned industry experts.
Included in our Applications Labs:
- Conveyorized in-line spray-in-air
- Vapor degreasers
- Stencil cleaners
- Cabinet washers
- Ultrasonic cleaning systems
- Spray-in-air batch washers
For Contract Cleaning Verification:
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- High-power inspection with video capability
- Ionic contamination testing
- Millipore testing
Be sure to ask a KYZEN cleaning expert for technical help before you invest in new capital equipment, generate more waste or interrupt other critical production.
For additional information or to resolve any current issues you may be experiencing, visit our website.