KYZEN can help with preventative care for your cleaning process that minimizes your downtime substantially. By verifying and trending important operating parameters, you can detect problems early and prevent issues that may affect production and/or quality over time, ultimately providing better quality products for your customers.
During an On-Site Process Audit, KYZEN’s engineering and field support team will come to your facility and review chemistry usage, rinse water quality, nozzle pressures and alignment, exhaust balancing, amperage draw for motors and blowers and more. Contact your local KYZEN representative for a quote or more information.
Don’t need an on-site visit but still want to review your process with an expert? A Free Cleaning Process Health Check Up conference call can be the answer. After answering some easy questions about your process, we’ll deliver specific process improvement recommendations to you.
Schedule an On-Site Process Audit or Cleaning Process Health Check Up now.